Saturday, February 6, 2010

Marriage Invite

Not very long back my friends used to call
To talk about events in life: big and small.
To tell me that his boss is a jerk.
To talk about the hot babe at work.

Then they got married and started a new life.
Used to spend most of their time with their wife.
Calls dropped to once a month, my phone rarely rang.
Said all good things to motivate me; to join the gang.

Now they call me only once an year, they turned lazy..
The phone would ring only when they have a new baby.
They kept reminding me the fact which I hate.
They said no point waiting since I am already late.

So going by their words I am taking a dive.
I would soon be a married man till I am alive.
2nd March is the big day mark your calender.
Since that's the day your friend will surrender.